Private lessons
Private lessons in music, art, and/or programming.
Lessons are divided into thirty-minute time slots. Those interested in hour-long lessons may book consecutive time slots.
Interested in a trial lesson? Trial lessons are $13.75 for thirty minutes for your first private lesson at MAP. You can book a trial lesson any time. The steps are: find a teacher you would like to try a lesson with, choose a date/time and completing necessary fields, click book, and input coupon code trial-lesson
at checkout. If you need assistance with booking, please email and tell us who you would like to study with, the name of the student (if not yourself), and your desired date/time. Trial lessons are thirty minutes and may be split among siblings after notifying us in advance.
Showing all 5 results
Art Lessons with Chie Yasuda
$55 per thirty minute lesson Book -
Piano Lessons with Mingyeong “Mina” Son
$55 per thirty minute lesson Book -
Private Lessons with Morgan Liu-Packard
$55 per thirty minute lesson Book -
Private Lessons with Rafa Moreno
$55 per thirty minute lesson Book
Showing all 5 results